DSC_0908.gifMount Takao

Discover an impressive temple dedicated to long-nosed demon called tengu, thickets of ancient cedars, wildlife, a fine view of Tokyo from the peak, and even a terrace beer garden. Hiking courses range from the leisurely to the adventurous, with a cable car for those who really want to take it easy. Directions: Fifteen minute ride from Keio Hachioji Station (see website).

yume.gifHachioji Yume Bijutsukan

A local landmark in Hachioji, this art museum has rotating exhibits on various themes such as manga artist Shigeru Mizuki, Buddhist relics, and impressionist paintings. Directions: The museum is located directly below the clinic, on the 2nd floor of View Tower (admission ¥500).

aya.gifAYA Japanese style dining room

Eat a colorful bento-style lunch while listening to the Beatles, always playing 24/7. Prepared by hand with fresh ingredients and delicate sauces, the daily specials at Aya have the perfect balance of vegetables, rice and meat/fish (priced around ¥700, cheaper combos also available). Directions: Turn left upon leaving View Tower, continue straight along the main road for about 10 minutes, and look out for the sign on your left.


The cheapest handmade Japanese-style snacks and desserts you’ll find anywhere in Tokyo, Iseya offers makizushi, sweet-bean mochi, and other delights of surprisingly high quality. Perfect as takeout, patrons can also sit down to eat over complimentary green tea. Directions: Turn left upon leaving View Tower, continue for 3 minutes, and look out for display cases lined with trays of sushi rolls.

oy.gifOkonomi yocchan

A local landmark in Hachioji, this art museum has rotating exhibits on various themes such as manga artist Shigeru Mizuki, Buddhist relics, and impressionist paintings. Directions: The museum is located directly below the clinic, on the 2nd floor of View Tower (admission ¥500).

sh.gifSherlock Holmes

An atmospheric British style pub. Lunch portions are ample and priced reasonably (about ¥800 with drink and dessert). Directions: Check the website.